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Get started on your Eligibility Application today!

Step 1:

Click here to register as an individual user in CalJOBS
 or log in to your existing account.

For instructions on how to register in CalJOBS, click here.


Step 2: 

If you are a brand new User, select Eligibility Explorer after creating your account and skip to Step 4 below. If you are already registered, select the Menu button on the top left.


Snippet of the Menu Button Navigation in CALJOBS

Step 3: 

Scroll down in the menu until and select Eligibility Explorer under the Services for Individuals section.

Snippet from CALJOBS that is titled Services for Individuals
Snippet from CALJOBS of a Sub Menu Item named Eligibility Explorer

Step 4: 

Begin your Eligibility Application.

Select the programs you are interested in, then select Next

Snippet from CALJOBS of buttons titled Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, and Youth Services


Step 5: 

Complete the application and upload necessary documents, if applicable.

    At Minimum- Please Upload the Following:

  • Social Security Documentation

  • Citizenship Documentation

  • Employment Status (or unemployment insurance docs)

  • Family Size

  • Date of Birth Documentation


Review your application to make sure all information you entered is correct. Select Finish.


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