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Work Experience Program: Mother Lode Job Training teams up with businesses

Mother Lode Job Training

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Mother Lode Job Training teams up with businesses to create worksites and workers that benefit the community and the workforce.

The Mother Lode Job Training (MLJT) team makes the connection for both businesses and job seekers in a program called a Work Experience, also known as “WEX,” or work-based learning. MLJT is always on the lookout to team up with great worksites who are willing to supervise and train participants to gain marketable skills and obtain long-term, meaningful work experience. The program is also a great way for worksites to get a little extra help and serve the community by teaching skills, and thus, developing the workforce. Mother Lode Job Training is the employer of record, meaning we pay the wages and carry the workman’s comp insurance, so the work-based learning does not come out of the worksites pocket.

Mother Lode Job Training’s Work Experience Program is one of the best ways to get qualified individuals back to work or starting work! When a person has not been working due to one or more of the following: lack of previous experience, out of work for a while, medical issue, incarceration, laid off, etc., Mother Lode Job Training's WEX program can provide paid work-based learning for up to 29 hours a week, for up to 6 months to get people back to and retain work to become a successful part of the workforce. If you or someone you know is interested in being a worksite for this program, contact your local job center. Mother Lode Job Training has 4 locations in Mariposa, Tuolumne, Amador, and Calaveras counties to provide this service. Give us a call to find out more!

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