"Your source for employment news in the Mother Lode"
This week in Mother Lode Works... - MLJT Success Story: Western Pacific Trucking School & P2E Participants
- Spotlight Employer: Native Solutions
- Amador Center Update
- UI Claim Updates
Up to Date COVID-19 Information - covid19.ca.gov: The official website for California COVID-19 Response daily updates and resources. - edd.ca.gov: EDD provides a variety of support services to people who have lost their jobs or have had their hours reduced due to the impacts of COVID-19 in California.
MLJT and Western Pacific Truck School: Going the Extra Mile for P2E Participants
Mother Lode Job Training (MLJT), utilizing the Prison 2 Employment (P2E) grant, has developed a deep partnership with Western Pacific Truck School (WPTS). The partnership has been hard at work helping our previously incarcerated population get back on their feet by getting them back on the road.
Historically, the trucking industry has proven themselves to be more focused on where you will go rather than how you got there. They are very open to a variety of backgrounds and make the ideal partner for our P2E program. Western Pacific Truck School not only goes above and beyond by assisting with proper placement for each student, but they also do reverse referrals and send prospective students to Mother Lode Job Training for enrollment as a participant where we can pay for your training. Our most recent success stories owe a lot to WPTS’s new management and innovation during the current Covid-19 crisis.
When MLJT Job Developer, Lauren Griffith, approached Western Pacific Truck School for help getting three new P2E enrollees back to work during the pandemic, WPTS did not miss a beat. Even though most training companies were shut down due to Covid-19, Western Pacific Truck School’s new management team welcomed the recruits with open arms and a brand-new training format. They quickly adapted the new social distancing sanitization rules into their training program and got to work. Not only did our P2E enrollees pass their training with flying colors, but WPTS assisted in finding each graduate self-sufficient employment within days of completing their training and receiving their Class A licenses. Talk about going the extra mile!
MLJT Spotlight Employer: Native Solutions
Native Solutions is a family visitation center opening soon in Mariposa, CA.
Our Mission
“To provide a safe, neutral and professional environment to allow children to maintain an ongoing relationship with both parents.” Too often domestic issues are lumped into a “one size fits all approach”, but in truth every family situation is culturally different. We personalize your time and visit to best fit your family’s culture.
Services Offered:
Supervised Visits
Safe Exchanges
Virtual/Phone Visitation
Drug Screenings
Provided Court Documentation
Certified Facilitator
Classes: Native American Circle Groups, Batters Intervention Program, Men’s Classes, Women’s Classes, Native American Cultural Classes, Triple P Parenting Program
Supervised Visitation
Native Solutions family visitation center provides supervised visitation services in Mariposa and Madera County for non-custodial parents and their children when there is an indication or allegation of domestic violence, child abuse, substance and or alcohol abuse, or threats of abduction. This program provides a safe, neutral environment where noncustodial parents and children can visit together. Professional Supervised Providers monitor these family visits. The Supervised Visitation Program also offers staggered arrival times. The program ensures that Court mandates are followed and that the risk of harassment or harm to children and custodial parents is minimized. Our staff and child-friendly spaces offer a comfortable environment for positive interaction. What is a supervised visit? Supervised visits are monitored by a professional neutral third-party who has been highly trained and skilled in compliance with the State of California requirements. The visit supervisor is present at all times of the visit while documenting the interactions between the family - no personal opinions or conclusions of the provider.
Monitored Safe Exchanges
Native Solutions professional supervised Providers facilitate the safe exchange of the children from one parent to the other. Children do best when they have reliable, ongoing relationships with both parents. Supervised Exchange is sometimes also referred to as monitored exchange or neutral pick-up and drop-off of the child. This service may be facilitated with or without a court-order. We offer staggered drop offs and or scheduled times. Depending upon the child/children and or court order they may use the different doors for parents' arrival and drop off.
Virtual and Phone Visitations
Monitored Phone calls between children and parents. A Professional Supervised Provider will be on the phone call and monitor all dialog.
Virtual Visitations will be conducted when a court order indicates they are acceptable. These are facilitated in our location with our equipment.
Drug screenings will be provided if ordered by court or case plan.
Additional cost for this service.
Individuals will be required to show up one hour prior to their scheduled visit to test.
Native Solutions is a Drug free Facility NO Parties may be under the Influence of any substance.
Coming Soon:
Triple P Positive Parenting Program
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by more than 35 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems developing. Triple P is currently used in more than 25 countries and has been shown to work across cultures, socio-economic groups and in many kinds of family structures:
Parents of children up to 16 years
Parents of children with a disability (Stepping Stones)
Parents going through separation or divorce (Family Transitions)
Parents of children who are overweight (Lifestyle)
Indigenous parents
Safety Plan
Security Cameras
Security Wands and Search
Two staff members at every visit or exchange
Panic Buttons on Staffs phone
Safety plan developed with Mariposa County Sheriff Department
All Staff Members Required to Live Scan
Native American Cultural Classes & Circle Groups Cultural Classes
Traditional health and wellness
Traditional food and medicinal gathering
To contact Native Solutions about services or other information, visit their Facebook page.
Amador Center Update
We're excited to reveal our new sign at our Amador Economic Prosperity Center!
The Amador Economic Prosperity Center is a co-location with Mother Lode Job Training, Amador Chamber of Commerce, Amador College Connect and Columbia College.
We're here to help you with any of your education, business, hiring and job search needs! Reach us by phone at (209) 223-3341.
UI Claim Updates
See the latest number of claims filed below:
You can also find this information and more on the EDD site at: www.edd.ca.gov/newsroom.htm
For more information, contact your local Mother Lode Job Training job center:
Amador Center Manager: Annette, Email: asolisrios@mljt.org, Phone: (209) 223-3341 Calaveras Center Manager: Emily, Email: egraham@mljt.org, Phone: (209) 754-4242
Mariposa Center Manager: Stephanie, Email: sleasure@mljt.org, Phone: (209) 966- 3643 Tuolumne Center Manager: Pam, Email: phughes@mljt.org, Phone: (209) 588-1150 Mother Lode Job Training is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Equal Opportunity Employer/Program; CRS 711 (TTY) Auxilary aides & services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Mother Lode Job Training is a proud partner of the America's Job Center of California network.