"Your source for employment news in the Mother Lode"
This week in Mother Lode Works... - Workforce tips - Mental health self-care - UI claim updates
Workforce Tips to Keep You in the Job Market Invest in Your Resume - What are the key skills and qualities that are needed in the near future? Many businesses across all industries have laid off positions that are considered nonessential services. If you are looking for work in essential services, how do you take your skills and apply them to a resume for this targeted job market? Transferable skills are key. Here is an example: Many employees from non-essential businesses have qualities that are needed in the post-coronavirus job market: - Working under pressure, stress or strain - Problem solving - Creativity - Industrious work ethic and attention to detail - Training in sanitation, cross contamination avoidance and workplace safety - Quality Control - Empathy and customer centered attitude Upgrade your Skills and Qualifications - If you don’t already have some of these concrete skills, now is the time to look for opportunities to gain them, and consider talking to Mother Lode Job Training staff about training opportunities: - Social networking program knowledge: Zoom, Teams, GoToMeeting, StreamYard, Google Meet, WhatsApp, Skype - Online document creation/signature programs: DocuSign, DocHub, Adobe,
Google Docs
- Information technology skills
- Care giving and medical assisting
- E-Commerce
- Delivery and Logistics (including truck driving)
The Stay at Home order did not apply to Springtime, and the grass is growing,
so if you have the skills and abilities to do yard work, maintenance, garden
care, those skills are in demand too. Time to emphasize:
- Tools and equipment knowledge
- Project completion and ability to stay on budget
- Experience with lot clearing, lawn mowing, plant care
Take the time now to do some research on what opportunities are out there
and revise your resume, or look into getting some training under your belt.
Re-Design a Small Business - Restaurants that had drive through or
delivery capabilities have been able to stay open, or may be able to re-open
once they have the capacity for curbside delivery and online ordering.
Telecommute your services- if you are great at customer service maybe you
can offer to provide technical assistance to businesses via phone.
Become a Courier - If you have a reliable method of transportation and a
decent social network, or can develop these tools, there might be a way for
you to start your own delivery service.
Mental Health Self-Care
Right now we are all acutely aware of our own mental health needs, especially those of us in self-quarantine, unable to do what we used to for our mental well being like get to gyms, parks, theaters or see our loved ones in person. NAMI, National Alliance on
Mental Illness, cites these suggestions for self care:
- Understand How Stress Affects You: According to NAMI, there are physical signs of stress to look for, such as headaches, low energy, upset stomach, aches, pains and
tension and insomnia. Once you identify how stress affects you and what situations
are likely to trigger a stress response, you can work on avoiding those situations.
- Protect Your Physical Health: Get exercise daily, eat well, get enough
sleep, avoid alcohol and drugs, and practice relaxation techniques.
Recharge Yourself: NAMI suggests, “As little as five minutes in the
middle of a day packed with obligations can be a meaningful reminder of
who you are in a larger sense. It can help keep you from becoming
consumed by your responsibilities."
- Start Small: Think about activities you enjoyed before… and try to work
them back into your life.
- Practice Good Mental Habits: Avoid guilt by not feeling bad about
negative emotions. You have a right to be upset and angry about this
situation. Notice the positive by writing down one thing a day that you
noticed that was good or positive, even if it’s as simple as “The sun came
out today.”
- Gather Strength From Others: In today’s world, this is harder to do,
but possible with phone calls, emails, letters and even by taking a walk
around the block and talking to neighbors from a safe distance away.
Think of the world as a better place because you are in it, and you are doing
your part to help everyone else stay healthy.
UI Claim Updates California has faced an unprecedented number of UI claims processed as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. We are seeing a dip in new claims as of April 11, 2020. See the latest number of claims filed below:
*Numbers for local areas have a week delay compared to state numbers.
Beware of Scammers
As you are aware, criminals are attempting to exploit the most vulnerable
through a variety of scams. The U.S. Attorney’s Office warned the public of
several new fraud schemes seeking to exploit the evolving COVID-19
(Coronavirus) public health emergency. The public is urged to contact the
National Center for Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721 or via email
at disaster@leo.gov , if they think they are a victim of a scam or attempted
fraud involving COVID-19.
Next week on Mother Lode Works... - Resources for Technology - County Resources - Onwardca.gov
For more information, contact your local center:
MLJT Amador Center Manager: Annette Email: asolisrios@mljt.org Phone:(209) 223-3341 MLJT Calaveras Center Manager: Emily Email: egraham@mljt.org Phone:(209) 754-4242 MLJT Mariposa Center Manager: Stephanie Email: sleasure@mljt.org Phone:(209) 966-3643 MLJT Tuolumne Center Manager: Pam Email: phughes@mljt.org Phone:(209) 588-1150 Mother Lode Job Training is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Equal Opportunity Employer/Program; CRS 711 (TTY) Auxilary aides & services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Mother Lode Job Training is a proud partner of the America's Job Center of California network.