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Mother Lode Works Vol. 20

Mother Lode Job Training

"Your source for employment news in the Mother Lode"

This week in Mother Lode Works...

  • Mariposa Businesses Gather for a Recruitment Discussion

  • Work Experience Opportunities in the Mother Lode

  • Tuolumne County Volunteer Fair

  • UI Claim Updates


Up to Date COVID-19 Information

- The official website for California COVID-19 updates and resources. - EDD provides a variety of support services to people who have lost their jobs or have had their hours reduced due to the impacts of COVID-19 in California.


Mariposa Businesses Gather for a Recruitment Discussion

On July 22, 2021, Mariposa County businesses were invited to attend and participate in a Town Hall Emergency Recruitment Event. This collaborative event was held to identify reasons why people are not returning to work and to find resolutions to this local and National issue. The local businesses that attended included: John C Fremont Hospital, The Mariposa County School District, First 5, Mariposa Health & Human Services, SBDC, the Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Child Support Services and many other local businesses.

The conversation centered around the difficulties in the recruitment process due to Covid-19. Many employers are concerned that employees are not returning to the workforce due to unemployment benefits, lack of childcare and transportation.

Attendees of the Town Hall meeting worked together to brainstorm short-term goals and solutions for the recent employee shortage epidemic. Possibilities included:

  • Develop a shared employee partnership among businesses

  • Share resumes that are received

  • Open more daycare facilities

  • Employer childcare on-site

  • Provide stipend payments for childcare and mileage

  • Remote work when possible

  • Raise salaries and provide benefits

  • Recruit retirees

  • Obtain recruitment assistance from MLJT and hold a county-wide job fair

The group also came up with long-term goals that will provide solutions for recruitment in the future. Long-term goals included:

  • ROP or CTE programs at Mariposa County High School

  • Partner with high schools to obtain employees during school hours

  • Incentive programs for new childcare facilities (pay for start-up fees)

  • Childcare feasibility study

  • Investigate ordinances/General Plan to allow for work campers

  • CA Dream Fund

  • In-house childcare

  • Workforce housing

Local businesses were left assured that Mariposa County and Mother Lode Job Training are here to help solve the recruitment emergency. Employers were pleased that the event was held and they have been heard. The next step is to hold a county-wide Job Fair. If you are a business that is in need of recruitment assistance, contact your local Mother Lode Job Training job center for information on our business services or to participate in our next hiring event.


Work Experience Opportunities in the Mother Lode

Ready to get to work? Searching for your first job? Interested in a new career with little experience? Our Work Experience (WEX) program is a wonderful opportunity to upskill your abilities and/or learn a new trade!

We partner with local businesses to provide a 3-6 month temporary position that will impart invaluable skills for your next job. This free service is available to eligible applicants residing in Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties.

If you are interested in speaking with a specialist to discuss this opportunity further, please call (209) 533-3396 to contact your nearest job center.


Tuolumne County Volunteer Fair

Are you looking for a new career? Are you passionate about helping your community? Combine the two to help you land your dream job - volunteer!

Volunteering is a great way to gain experience in areas where you are lacking skills. If you do not have the work history necessary for a position, you can supplement your work skills with your volunteer skills to be competitive for your dream position. Any skills you have count on your resume and application.

The Tuolumne Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Tuolumne County Volunteer Fair on Thursday, August 26, 2021. The event will take place from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the Sonora Fairgrounds.

Look in your area for places that commonly work with volunteers or contact your local Mother Lode Job Training for a list of community-based organizations that are commonly in need of assistance.


UI Claim Updates See the latest number of claims filed below:

You can also find this information and more on the EDD site at:


For more information, contact your local Mother Lode Job Training job center:

Amador Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 223-3341 Calaveras Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 754-4242

Mariposa Center Manager: Stephanie, Email:, Phone: (209) 966-3643 Tuolumne Center Manager : Lindsay, Email:, Phone: (209) 588-1150 Mother Lode Job Training is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act(WIOA) Title I-financially assisted program and Equal Opportunity Employer; CRS 711 (TTY) Auxiliary aides & services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Mother Lode Job Training is a proud partner of the America's Job Center of California network.

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