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Mother Lode Works Vol. 17

Mother Lode Job Training

"Your source for employment news in the Mother Lode"

This week in Mother Lode Works...

  • Mother Lode Labor Market Information

  • UI Claim Updates


Up to Date COVID-19 Information - The official website for California COVID-19 Response daily updates and resources. - EDD provides a variety of support services to people who have lost their jobs or have had their hours reduced due to the impacts of COVID-19 in California.


Mother Lode Labor Market Information March 2021

Since the onset of the pandemic, Mother Lode counties (Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, Tuolumne) have averaged lower unemployment rates than California as a whole, with Calaveras County consistently lower than the rest. Although Mother Lode unemployment has now returned to near pre-pandemic rates, the data is misleading because there are fewer in the labor force. The labor market will not fully stabilize until the economy recovers and the labor force is once again engaged. As might be expected for the Mother Lode, Leisure & Hospitality and Local Government suffered the largest job decline (2,710 total) over the past year, but they are also the two industries with the highest job gains in the past month, indicating we are on the path to economic recovery.

YEAR OVER YEAR | A COMPARISON __________________________________________________________

From March 2020 to March 2021, Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities showed the greatest numerical and percent gains with an increase of 30 jobs and growth of 4.3 percent. Local Government showed the greatest numerical decline with a loss of 1,480 jobs, while Information showed the greatest percent decline with a job loss of 18.4 percent.



From February to March 2021, Leisure & Hospitality showed the greatest month-over numerical gain with an increase of 160 jobs, while Farm showed the greatest percent gain with job growth of 7.9 percent. Other Services showed the greatest numerical and percent declines with a decrease of 80 jobs and a job loss of 6.5 percent.


UI Claim Updates See the latest number of claims filed below:

You can also find this information and more on the EDD site at:


For more information, contact your local Mother Lode Job Training job center:

Amador Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 223-3341 Calaveras Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 754-4242

Mariposa Center Manager: Stephanie, Email:, Phone: (209) 966-3643 Tuolumne Center Manager : Lindsay, Email:, Phone: (209) 588-1150 Mother Lode Job Training is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act(WIOA) Title I-financially assisted program and Equal Opportunity Employer; CRS 711 (TTY) Auxiliary aides & services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Mother Lode Job Training is a proud partner of the America's Job Center of California network.

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