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Mother Lode Works Vol. 15

Mother Lode Job Training

"Your source for employment news in the Mother Lode"

This week in Mother Lode Works...

  • Prison to Employment Initiative: Innovative Mother Lode Pilot Program Promises Hope for the Entire State

  • Temporary Work Experience Success Story

  • UI Claim Updates


Up to Date COVID-19 Information - The official website for California COVID-19 Response daily updates and resources. - EDD provides a variety of support services to people who have lost their jobs or have had their hours reduced due to the impacts of COVID-19 in California.


Prison to Employment Initiative: Innovative Mother Lode Pilot Program Promises Hope for the Entire State

Did you know that each year more than 500,000 people are released from county jails, state and federal prisons nationwide? In California, 65% are reincarcerated within three years, creating a vicious cycle

Luckily, there is a way to help reduce the likelihood of reincarceration. Research shows that when someone gains employment soon after they are released from custody, they are 20% less likely to recidivate!

Mother Lode Job Training is using resources obtained through a special grant initiative to develop a skilled labor force to meet business demands across the state. The overarching goal of this project is to create opportunities for formerly incarcerated and justice-involved individuals to power California’s future economic growth through:

  • Career services and training: basic skills, digital literacy, vocational skills training, work-based learning and career pathways programs in construction, natural resources and other priority industry sectors

  • Work Preparation and Education: before and after release individual service planning connects future job seekers to the workforce system with transferrable skills, networking connections and resume building

  • Breaking Down Barriers: advising, coaching and mentoring for successful job application and interviewing, records expungement, driver license and financial counseling services help clear the path to employment and greater earning potential

Progress so far:

  • 64 of 110 served were employed within 6 months of receiving services from Mother Lode Job Training

  • 31 individuals have received or are receiving training, on the job training, or work experience services and 8 have already completed vocational certificates

  • At the time of primary service end, not ONE person was re-incarcerated

  • Continuing to provide career and training services, education and support to the residents of the Mother Lode who have been incarcerated in the past and struggled to find family sustaining employment

  • Establishing a process for individual service planning in Mule Creek State Prison in Ione and Sierra Conservation Center in Jamestown beginning pre-release, where contact is made with both Parole Operations and the workforce service providers across the state to carry forward the service plan

  • Designing and launching Prison-to-Employment (P2E) JOBS, a custom web portal that will allow those currently incarcerated to securely access CalJOBS, conduct self assessments, create resumes and search for jobs

  • Educating local businesses in work opportunity tax credits, bonding, on-the-job training opportunities and fair hiring law

  • Developing a video that explains California’s workforce development system, its services and benefits that will be frequently shown on the prisons’ closed circuit television systems

By preparing individuals for jobs after they are released from prisons and jails, we are reducing the likelihood that they will return and positively impacting the lives of families throughout the community.

To find out more about these services, contact us at (209) 533-3396.


Temporary Work Experience: Success Story

Isabella (right) had just graduated from Mariposa High School and was struggling to find work. She had only had one job previously, which was very short term. She wanted to work in an office and did not have any previous office experience. Isabella met with the Mother Lode Job Training (MLJT) staff in Mariposa and we helped her enroll in a temporary work experience (WEX) program.

"[Mother Lode Job Training] chose to put me in their office for the WEX placement as the receptionist and I am so grateful they did! I learned so much from them, what employers are looking for in their candidate and on the applications that are submitted. I was trained on scheduling, making phone calls and handling clients in the appropriate manner. Not only did I learn a lot, my confidence in my work was raised because all of the clients that gave me feedback all said such wonderful things about me and my customer service."

Although Isabella's temporary work experience ended, she was able to utilize her newly acquired skillsets and is now employed at R&R pool service as an office assistant.

"I think MLJT was a great step into adulthood. I got amazing office experience that many people dream of getting and I was actually working (not volunteering) for it. They helped me in so many ways. For starters, I had never had a professional job before so I would ask their opinions on outfits to find out if it would be considered professional- how many jobs can you do that at? And when I wanted to look into college and training, they showed me how to research everything and got me into contact with people who I could talk to and get advice from. When I finally decided what I wanted to go to college for they helped me apply and get registered for my classes. When my WEX was coming to an end, they helped me apply for jobs I was qualified for. I think if I actually listed every way they helped me at MLJT it would make this way too long for anyone to read."

"I think I benefited tremendously from working at MLJT. In my final weeks at MLJT I was getting all of the loose ends tied up that I possibly could. I was also determined to find a job as soon as possible after the WEX ended. I had 3 job interviews in one week and [MLJT Staff] tried to help me prepare as much as possible. The place that hired me was R&R Pool Service as an office assistant. In the end I am extremely proud of myself for admitting that I needed help and then taking the fullest advantage of the help that was offered."

Call your local job center to see if you can qualify for a Work Experience of your own!


UI Claim Updates

See the latest number of claims filed below:

You can also find this information and more on the EDD site at:


For more information, contact your local Mother Lode Job Training job center:

Amador Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 223-3341 Calaveras Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 754-4242

Mariposa Center Manager: Stephanie, Email:, Phone: (209) 966-3643 Tuolumne Center Manager : Lindsay, Email:, Phone: (209) 588-1150 Mother Lode Job Training is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act(WIOA) Title I-financially assisted program and Equal Opportunity Employer; CRS 711 (TTY) Auxiliary aides & services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Mother Lode Job Training is a proud partner of the America's Job Center of California network.

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