"Your source for employment news in the Mother Lode"
An Update From Us About COVID-19
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie, Physicist A major shift has just occurred – and no one in our world has been untouched. The most important thing to understand is, that even as we are told to distance ourselves from each other, we are not alone. Everyone on the planet is facing the same massive changes to life as we know it. So together, we face this challenge, and we are here, continuing to work for you to meet your economic and career goals, while supporting our community. Our mission has always been about building up the workforce and the human resources, to meet the changing times and contribute to society. That hasn’t changed, and is in fact, more important than ever. We will be publishing this newsletter on a weekly basis, with updates on those things that are useful, and we will be answering your questions here as the weeks go on to share with the community at large. COVID-19 Resources Visit our website at https://www.mljt.org/covid-19-resources for resources and information for both job seekers and employers whose work has been affected by the coronavirus.
Ask EDD - Common Questions About Filing for Unemployment Insurance Unemployment applications are at a record high, with more than 1 million Californians applying for benefits in the last week of March. The most frequently asked questions this week are listed below, with answers, referencing information available at www.edd.ca.gov: 1) I am self-employed or I have my own business, can I file an unemployment claim? Yes, you can file a claim. If the case is that you are unemployed due to Coronavirus, you can respond to the question on the claim asking: Are you unemployed due to a recent disaster (such as a fire, flood, mudslide or earthquake)? Answer yes. This will generate more questions such as: What type of disaster? To which you should choose “Public Health.” 2) I worked in another state and when I try to apply online it directs me to call my local office. You will file an Interstate claim if you now reside in California and only worked in another state during the last 18 months. File your claim directly with the other state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or Canada. If you worked in the U.S. Virgin Islands, contact the EDD at 1-800-300-5616. 3) What if I worked in another state AND in California? You will have to file a Paper application de1101 (English) which is also available in Spanish. This paper form, along with the paper form for Military and Federal workers are available on www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment/filing_a_claim.htm under “By Fax or Mail”. 4) I’m locked out of my EDD account, can you help me get logged in? Contact UI Online Tech Support at 1-855-327-7058 and ask for Password/Security Question assistance. 5) What about the stimulus or about the proposed increasing of the UI benefit amounts. Developments are occurring quickly- watch for updates on the EDD Corona Virus web page to be informed as soon as more details become available. 6) Can I get an extension? EDD is looking into the possibility of an extension... stay tuned. 7) I don’t have internet and I can’t get through on the phone lines, can you help me file for Unemployment?
Those are the only 2 acceptable ways of filing claims at this time (outside of the Special Claims like Out of State Wages, Worked for Feds in last 18 months, Served in Military in last 18 Months, which MUST file on paper). EDD cannot and will not help people fill out their applications. Still Working- How Do I Keep Healthy and Safe? For those who are in essential jobs, this might be the number one thing on your mind. To minimize exposure you must follow social and physical distancing in all aspects of your work life to the highest extent possible. You have heard it everywhere, but we’ll say it again: Stay 6 feet away from others. Wash hands often, after touching shared objects or surfaces, and if you wear gloves please dispose of them between touches to avoid cross contamination. Stay home and away from work if you are sick. Wear correct masks as appropriate. Communicate with your supervisors and co-workers honestly and openly if you have concerns about workplace safety. Follow the recommendations of the CDC: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html For more information, contact your local center:
MLJT Amador Center Manager: Annette Email: asolisrios@mljt.org Phone:(209) 223-3341 MLJT Calaveras Center Manager: Emily Email: egraham@mljt.org Phone:(209) 754-4242 MLJT Mariposa Center Manager: Stephanie Email: sleasure@mljt.org Phone:(209) 966-3643 MLJT Tuolumne Center Manager: Pam Email: phughes@mljt.org Phone:(209) 588-1150
Opportunity Employer/Program; CRS 711 (TTY) Auxilary aides & services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Mother Lode Job Training is a proud partner of the America's Job Center of California network.