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Policy and Guidance

Agency Four Year Plans

WIOA Local Plan (2021-2024)

2021-2024 Mother Lode Local Plan

2023 Modifications to the WIOA Local Plan (2021-2024)

Approved Biennial Modification to the 2021-2024 Mother Lode Local Plan

WIOA Regional Plan (2021-2024)

2021-2024 Middle Sierra Regional Planning Unit Regional Plan

2023 Modifications to the WIOA Regional Plan (2021-2024)

Approved Biennial Modification to the 2021-2024 Mother Lode Regional Plan

Other Policies & Guidance

Board of Directors Bylaws

By-Laws of the Mother Lode Board of Directors

Workforce Development Board Bylaws

By-Laws of the Mother Lode Workforce Board

JPA Agreement

Joint Powers Agreement of the counties of the Mother Lode Consortia establishing Mother Lode Job Training for the purposes of coordination and delivery of workforce services in member counties.

WIB LEO Agreement

Agreement between the Local Elected Officials (MLJT Board of Directors) and the Workforce Board establishing the roles and responsibilities and operational parameters of each Board.

Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy

The Political Reform Act requires every multi-county agency to review its conflict of interest code biennially.

Archive: Old Policies, Guidance and Plans

2019 Modifications to WIOA Regional Plan (2017-2021)

2017-2021 Mother Lode Regional Plan (2019 Biennial Modification)

WIOA Regional Plan 2017-2021

Legal Notice

WIOA Regional Plan

Attachment 1 – EDD Regional Economic Analysis Profile

Attachment 2 – EDD Middle Sierra RPU Summary

Attachment 3 – Center of Excellence Labor Market Overview

Attachment 4 – CSEDD CEDS Report

Attachment 5 – Applied Development Economics Labor Force Analysis

Attachment 6 – Draft Plan – Local

Exhibit 1 – Stackable Credential Policy 50 State Scan

Exhibit 2 – CWCB Credentialing Framework

Exhibit 3 – Business Contact PY 2016-2017

Exhibit 4 – CEO Approval of Regional Plan

Exhibit 5 – Legal Notice Local & Regional Plan 2017-2020

Exhibit 6 – Placeholder

Exhibit 7 – AEBG Regional Consortium

Exhibit 8 – Chamber Association EDC Meetings

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